Toward a Collective Conscious Intelligence

While the world might look very grim with everything happening and it sometimes seems like there is danger at every corner, we are definitely not heading in the right direction. The threats are real and many of them have the power to destroy us.

If we allow ourselves and the collective to stay in fear, then we probably will not make it as a human race.

We need to trust in the beauty of our fellow earthians; we are all born as beautiful beings. Many of us are now misguided or live a sedated life where we are just part of "The Matrix." There is no evil force that has created this Matrix; we did it all together. It's too easy to blame others for the state we are in.

We have created a world where we let ourselves be guided by fear, and have self-brainwashed to believe that this is "normal."

It's time to see that everything our "mind" believes is "normal," may actually be the abnormal.

Normal would be:

  • We use our inventions (creativity) to do good and bring prosperity to all.
  • We respect Mother Earth.
  • We listen to our heart and spirit as guiding forces, rather than just a fearful potentially misguided mind.
  • We eat healthy because what we eat defines what we become.
  • We trust that there are enough resources for everyone on our beautiful planet.

Abnormal is:

  • Believing we need to fight to get what we deserve.
  • Believing in scarcity and that there isn't enough for everyone.
  • Believing we lack the solutions to solve the problems we have created.
  • Believing that money can resolve anything.
  • Believing that war is necessary.
  • We stopped listening to Mother Earth.

It's not too late to turn things around, but time is ticking, and we are running out of it as singularity approaches.

If we continue as we have in the past, the future of the human race will not be bright.

AI might well be our greatest opportunity to break free from this cycle and accelerate toward a beautiful future.